Research Reports
Beyond the Breaking Point: Violence against Saskatchewan's education sector workers
In Harm’s Way: The epidemic of violence against education sector workers in Ontario
Full report [Download].
Summary report [Download].
Rapport intégral [Télécharger].
Rapport de synthèse [Télécharger].
Facing the Facts: The escalating crisis of violence against elementary school educators in Ontario
Academic Publications
Santor, D., Bruckert, C., & McBride, K. (2019). Prevalence and Impact of Harassment and Violence against Educators in Canada. Journal of School Violence, 20(3), 261–273. [Download]
Law, T., & Bruckert, C. (2021). Expanding the Frame/ing of Gendered Violence: A Multidimensional Analysis of Gendered Workplace Violence. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 32(1). [Download]
January 20, 2023: Gender-based workplace violence in education. Keynote presentation by Chris Bruckert at the Women Addressing Gender-Based Violence Conference, for ETFO. Toronto, ON.
December 12, 2022: "Context of a Crisis: Findings from the Harassment and Violence Against Education Workers (Ontario) Survey," presentation to CUPE Manitoba. Virtual via Zoom.
November 4, 2022: "Key Findings and Implications from the Violence and Harassment Against Education-Sector Workers in Ontario Survey," presentation to CUPE Prince Edward Island. Virtual via Zoom.
October 5, 2022: "Harassment and Violence Against Education-Sector Workers," presentation at CUPE National Sector Council Conference. Ottawa, ON.
December 9, 2021: Gendered Violence in Schools. Presentation by Chris Bruckert and TuWomen Addressing Gender-Based Violence Conference. ETFO (December 9, 2021; virtual)
December 2, 2021: Facing the facts: violence in our schools, Keynote Address by Chris Bruckert and Darcy Santor at ETFO Workplace Violence Symposium.
November 10, 2021: CUPE Workplace Violence Forum by Chris Bruckert, Darcy Santor, and Britany Mario. Virtual via Zoom.
2020: Violence against educators through a gender lens. Women Addressing Gender-Based Violence Conference, Presentation by Chris Bruckert to ETFO. Virtual via Zoom.
May 2, 2019: Women Educators: Expanding the gendered violence lens, presentation by Chris Bruckert at Critical Perspectives in Criminology. Brantford ON.
Future reports and publications will be listed on this page as they become available.